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Top 3 Djs Fort Wayne, IN

Top 3 Djs Fort Wayne, IN

Best Djs in Fort Wayne

Get Up to Get Down Elite Entertainment

Congratulations! You are now listed as one of the Top 3 Djs in Fort Wayne, IN. We would like to Thank You for providing consistent high quality service in your area of business. Our review team either approved or updated your business listing using our rigorous 50-Point Inspection which includes everything from checking reputation, history, complaints, ratings, satisfaction, nearness, trust, cost and general excellence.
Three Best Rated® was created with a simple goal to find you the top 3 local businesses, professionals, restaurants, health care providers, etc., in your city. We display only businesses that are verified by our employees since customers deserve only the best.

That's not all... Businesses do not pay us to list them ever. You do not pay us for the listing any time. We believe that local businesses provide better and personal services locally. Local businesses know your city better since they live there too. Our policy is free to list because if you can pay to list, then is it really the best business?

Three Best Rated® 50-Point Inspection

Our 50-Point Inspection includes everything from checking reviews, ratings, reputation, history, complaints, satisfaction, trust and cost to the general excellence. If you are looking for full list of our 50-Point Inspection, the following list will give you a clear picture. Few items may not be applicable to all businesses.

  1. History

  2. ExperienceMaster of their craft, based on years of quality experience and education

  3. Online HistoryKeeping track of sites and pages about the businesses

  4. Ownership HistoryTypes of business ownership and history of ownership (Family, LLC, partnership, sole proprietorship and corporation)

  5. Services

  6. Exact ServicesSpecific specialization of their unique services

  7. Special FeaturesExtra complimentary services to the customers

  8. Service DiversificationAdditional related but wide variety of services offered

  9. Images

  10. Business ImagesAuthentic business images (interior, exterior, owner, vehicles and office) which help customers to learn about the business before visiting

  11. Fake ImagesOriginal images only - Strictly no fake business images

  12. Ownership ProofProofs/Documents/License/Permit copy of the business ownership

  13. Operating Hours

  14. Business HoursMaximum working hours benefiting visitors

  15. Less Operating Hours

  16. Social Media

  17. Social Media PresenceReputation on Social Media Networks

  18. Page MaintenanceRegular announcement and update of their social network page to make it as unique and brand-worthy

  19. Followers RatioAccounts with credible high follower/following ratio with high engagements

  20. Website

  21. Complete InfoComplete and detailed information on the business website

  22. Online ChatReal-time transmission of text messages from source to customer/clients online (preferably on their business website)

  23. Online AppointmentScheduling appointment through online platform (must include appointment confirmation)

  24. Website StandardPerform all the necessary tasks to keep a website up to date (updating stale information)

  25. EmblemThe Distinctive logo of the business

  26. Contact InfoAccurate Address/Map/Email ID/Phone numbers

  27. Copyright & LicenseUp to date copyrights and proper license maintenance (Active License and Trademarks)

  28. AcknowledgmentsRecognition of the businesses through other standard websites in their area of business

  29. Awards

  30. Awards HistoryConsecutive award winners in their specialization

  31. Multiple AwardsLegitimate Awards from different sources

  32. AchievementsEndorsement and Honors List

  33. Complaints

  34. ThreeBestRated Complaints

  35. Response from Owner

  36. Fake Complaints

  37. Lawsuit

  38. Reviews

  39. Legitimate RatingsLegitimate ratings and reviews from customers (Strictly no fake reviews)

  40. Current EvaluationUp to date recent reviews from customers

  41. Fake Reviews

  42. Reviewer's InfoReliable reviewers identity and history

  43. Reviews StudyLegitimate Reviews should be spread across operating years (no sporadic reviews)

  44. ResponsivenessThe quality of reacting quickly and positively to customers feedback

  45. Negative Reviews

  46. Review AnalysisDetailed actual reviews from customers about their real experience (both positive and negative reviews)

  47. Reviews AccuracyDetailed authentic reviews from customers about the unique service (positive and negative reviews)

  48. Miscellaneous

  49. Real DiscountsSpecial authentic discounts or offers in percentage or flat price for their customers

  50. Price ComparisonFair price for the best service

  51. Location ProximityWithin the city limits hence near for the customers

  52. SpecializationUnique service offered by the business

  53. Gift VouchersAuthorized original gift cards/Certificates

  54. Multiple BranchesMore than 1 location within the city (more popular)

  55. VideosTrustworthy Videos about the business (both customer reviews and business information videos)

  56. Call InspectionResponsiveness quality on phone, so customers never feel ignored

  57. Insurance AcceptanceCovers major and most insurance

  58. Address ValidationPhysical location verification

  59. Website SourceReliability of the business website (complete website)

  60. Our Review Team Overall Satisfaction

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